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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Taurus Horoscope: April 2017

Your ruling planet, Venus, is still napping as April begins, and will remain out of phase until April 15. Until then, you might spend time reconnecting with an old friend or re-evaluating whether or not you and a pal have grown apart. There is a good chance that you and someone you spend time with socially will have an opportunity to reconnect and forgive one another if there has been a rift. What a perfect opportunity to extend compassion and unconditional love to both yourself and a friend!
In other news, on April 9, Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign which complicates matters a bit. You might find that your words and thoughts are more jumbled than usual. Another possibility is that you'll be rethinking plans connected to your personal goals. You'll have until May 3 to rewire your thoughts to accommodate any change in direction that may occur.
Workwise, a fulfilling project might reach completion near April 11. You may also hear emotional -- but likely happy -- news from a colleague or someone you employ.
From April 21-June 4 your motivation to earn money will be unparalleled. This extra dose of ambition might come out of necessity; at the same time, you'll have a remarkable opportunity to cultivate multiple revenue streams. Work it!
The month ends with a New Moon in your sign on April 26. Plant something special in the garden of your soul. Watch it grow.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Taurus Horoscope: March 2017

There's a fascinating bit of cosmic irony at work for you this March, Taurus. On the one hand, your ruling planet, Venus, will turn retrograde on March 4 in your hidden 12th House of Secrets and Sorrow, but Venus remains out of phase until April 15. This will likely be a time of deep reflection and personal life course correction. There's a blind spot connected to your love life or self-worth that needs sorting out, but first, you have to admit that it's there. The retrograde will help you become more comfortable with this reality and instead of continuing to ignore it; you'll have an opportunity to eradicate it. Much of this transformation will occur on an internal level, but eventually the world will be able to see the results of your breakthrough.

But back to the cosmic irony. You would expect this month to be all interior, however you'll soon realize it will be anything but. On March 9 Mars, the planet of assertive drive, will enter your sign for the first time in nearly two years. Until April 21, you'll be in the most enviable position to initiate plans with ambition and stamina. This is your time to push ahead toward whatever it is you want most. You may initially feel that until you do that inner work, however, it won't matter how much you push. Trust that eventually the action you take internally and externally WILL collide and that the end result will be success.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Taurus Horoscope: February 2017

February is a golden month with incredible possibilities for you. On February 3, Venus, your ruling planet, will move into the most hidden area of your chart -- the 12th House of Secrets. She'll remain here for an unusually long time thanks to her retrograde coming up next month, but for now it looks like you're about to start a top-secret project that takes full advantage of your talents. This endeavor is likely to be financially lucrative, but you'll need to utilize your signature patience during what may be a long process of development. Happily, the success potential is there and you'll likely see it bear fruit by early spring.
In other news, you can anticipate a very happy development in your domestic world. On February 10, a Lunar Eclipse will see to it that you receive whatever help you might need connected to a family financial matter. If you are doing any work around your home, it's likely that you'll finish it up and be quite pleased with the result. Also, if you have been stressed out or concerned about a relative, there is every indication that this person will now begin to move forward on the right track. You'll be relieved. 
A Solar Eclipse in your friendship sector on February 26 opens up magnificent social opportunities. Network!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Taurus Horoscope: January 2017

Expect to finally gain traction again on a publishing, advertising, or international project that may have been stalled recently. You should notice slow, steady progress after January 8, when Mercury finally turns direct. If there has been any lingering legal situation from 2016, then this month you'll begin to put that behind you as well. 

In other news, you might need to prepare yourself for the possibility of secret information coming to light near the Full Moon on January 12. This won't be something you want out in the open, but unfortunately you might be left to deal with it nonetheless. Another possibility is that you will be the one who unintentionally reveals information during a conversation with someone that was meant to remain private. Be careful when it comes to your words -- and private information -- mid-month. Alternatively, this Full Moon might be more about a messy negotiation that you find yourself in, or, one of your siblings might come to you with emotional news. 

There is a bright spot by the month's end having to do with your career. A gorgeous New Moon on January 27 will offer support if you are ready to launch a new business or if you're gearing up to chase your next professional goal. 
