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Monday, December 26, 2011
♉ The Zodiac - Cosmic Sounds: Taurus The Voluptuary
Friday, December 23, 2011
Understanding Astrology : The Sign Taurus in Astrology
Sunday, December 18, 2011
♉ U2 - With Or Without You
A great song with the voice of a great Taurean : B O N O
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Taurus in Love by Kelli Fox
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Soul Zodiac: Taurus
Thursday, December 1, 2011
♉ Taurus Monthly Horoscope

You won't get anywhere if you don't take any risks. Take that chance on someone then see what happens.
If you are not happy in your present situation then it may be time to throw in the towel and take a step back and let it all go. But make sure is is your decision and not something imposed on you.
Be wise on what you spend your money on, someone close to you has other ideas on how to spend your cash.
Stop worrying about where you next journey takes you. As long as you are happy inside yourself, where you are is irrelevant.
Don't be too harsh on others close to you, they are only trying to help and you may end on your own in the long run.
December 2011 is an empowering time for Taurus as Jupiter remains on your side. Make the most of the king of the planets to get your own point across in all aspects of your life.
As The Moon enters Taurus on December 6th you may feel a little intimidated and pressurised and it is up to you not to let other people impose their will on you.
December 2011 Taurus Summary:
For Taurus December 2011 is all about a power game. You have Jupiter on your side, but other people will take any chink in your armor as a green light to attack. This could well happen on December 6th as The Moon could change your otherwise strong focus and cause you to question your own motives. Remain strong and calm thoughout and you will see your way past anyone with ulterior motives.
Monday, November 14, 2011
♉ November 2011 Taurus horoscope prediction:

Don't turn your back on something if it makes you happy. This month you will find a way to turn things round to the way you want them to.
Give it all you've got, you have nothing to lose and things can only get better from now on so keep your chin up and don't change a thing.
You need to stop burying your head in the sand and face reality, the sooner you sort your finances out the better. It's hard but you know it has to be done.
Go on that trip you have set your heart on for so long, it will just the break you need to get away from it all.
Don't make assumptions, find out the truth before you go shouting your mouth off, you will be surprised to find who is behind all of this.
November 2011 Taurus Summary:
There really is no need to be disheartened, things are about to improve dramatically for you especially around the 12th of this month. You will have the opportunity to make things work to your own advantage. Mind your step on the 23rd of this month when someone tries to cause trouble between two friends, you are best staying out of the way.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
Saturday, October 29, 2011
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
Monday, October 17, 2011
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ The Hottest Taureans Worldwide...
♉ When is your Birth-Day ?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
♉ Our Zodiac Taurus( Sturmbeest ) in Movie Avatar.
The sturmbeest (Na'vi name: talioang) is one of the main sources of animal products for the Na'vi. As such, sturmbeest are a primary organizing force in the clan culture. A number of different clans extol the virture of the animal in textiles, music, song, dance, and art.
Sturmbeest are herd animals. They are extremely social and highly protective of their young. They are also territorial and will mass for attack against any would be predator. When the predator is too large or in too great a number, they will stampede, often breaking off into smaller packs for evasion.
The male (or 'bull') is about 15 percent larger than the female, has a larger ridge bone on its back, and also has a dramatic top horn that is used for defense against and contest with other bulls.
Their brain-mass-to-body ratio is low and the creatures are slow to react and slow to stop reacting. The young, elderly, and sickly are prey to the largest or fiercest predators, such as viperwolf packs, the thanator, and occasionally a large great leonopteryx.
The Grave's Bog region is renowned for its large sturmbeest herds.
The sturmbeest has a massive buffalo-like head, six legs and indigo and orange coloring. Its skull features a single large bony hornlike extrusion above the eyes. Extrusions are reddish or orange, with striped slashes of blue. The creature has bioluminescent patterns on the ridge and both sides of the body. It also has chitinous armor, which is perfect for the construction of gongs when dried.
Feeding Ecology
Sturmbeest are land animals that feed on grass, shrubs, and various fungi. Hornlike jaw extension acts as plow for digging up roots, grubs and other subsurface food. They are highly territorial and will occasionally kill an RDA soldier if one gets too close to the vegetation.
In the Photo: Sturmbeest stampeding during a sturmbeest hunt
Source: James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide pg. 95-96
Sturmbeest are herd animals. They are extremely social and highly protective of their young. They are also territorial and will mass for attack against any would be predator. When the predator is too large or in too great a number, they will stampede, often breaking off into smaller packs for evasion.
The male (or 'bull') is about 15 percent larger than the female, has a larger ridge bone on its back, and also has a dramatic top horn that is used for defense against and contest with other bulls.

The Grave's Bog region is renowned for its large sturmbeest herds.
The sturmbeest has a massive buffalo-like head, six legs and indigo and orange coloring. Its skull features a single large bony hornlike extrusion above the eyes. Extrusions are reddish or orange, with striped slashes of blue. The creature has bioluminescent patterns on the ridge and both sides of the body. It also has chitinous armor, which is perfect for the construction of gongs when dried.
Feeding Ecology
Sturmbeest are land animals that feed on grass, shrubs, and various fungi. Hornlike jaw extension acts as plow for digging up roots, grubs and other subsurface food. They are highly territorial and will occasionally kill an RDA soldier if one gets too close to the vegetation.
- In the Project 880 script, every now and then a massive herd of sturmbeest would migrate past the Omaticaya Hometree. Killing a sturmbeest was a rite of passage, as well as providing food for a good while. The Na'vi, while mounted on ikran, would use spears tipped with the heads of domesticated slingers. Hitting a small gap in armor between the front shoulders with this spear would score a kill.
- Jake (Josh in the script) misses his target but retrieves his spear and jams it into the chest of a stampeding sturmbeest to earn his place among The People.
- The sturmbeest hunt, while cut from the theatrical release of Avatar, was reinserted into the extended re-release and later the Extended Collector's Edition of the film. In both of the latter versions, sturmbeest can also be seen during the final battle.
- Some hunters brush an ochre stripe on their right arm to indicate that they intend to fell a sturmbeest that day.
In the Photo: Sturmbeest stampeding during a sturmbeest hunt
Source: James Cameron's Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide pg. 95-96
♉ Taurus - holiday survival guide. What to avoid:
- Getting into situations where you have little control over where you go, what you do and who you mix with.
- Having to be anywhere too early in the morning - you know you’re best left to enjoy your sleep then deliver once you’re fully awake.
- Spending too much time with anyone who constantly nags you.
- Partners who’ll flirt with everyone and leave you alone all night - being the dedicated partner you are, you won’t appreciate a flighty fairy (male or female) as a date.
- Anything in your immediate vicinity that looks tacky or uncultured.
♉ Star-Sign Music & Dance Moves
Far from being the proverbial bull in a china shop on the dance-floor, Taurus can be a sensuous dancer. But the challenge is to get your sexy Bull onto the dance-floor in the first place! You won’t see Taurus being the first, only or last person on the dance-floor and they prefer to hide in a crowd. But put on the right music and have the right company around and your normally traditional Bull is sure to shine.
Zodiac music choice: Bulls have a very wide knowledge of music and will appreciate most types of music.
Zodiac music choice: Bulls have a very wide knowledge of music and will appreciate most types of music.
♉ What Taurus Drinks

If female, their drink of choice could be a long pink concoction. Taureans do drink past the ‘glowing’ stage though, and can get quite loud and possibly offensive to bosses or clients. This is very rare, though.
Your inebriated Bull is more likely to be highly entertaining, providing some great karaoke footage for internal office entertainment and FaceBook.
Zodiac drinks choice: Ancient pink wines, Pina Coladas or everyday beers.
♉ Taurus Baby

He is usually quiet and pleasant. He is emotionally stable, seldom gets depressed, and rarely displays aggressiveness or impulsiveness. He behaves properly even among strangers, but if he is the centre of attention, he freezes up. He is one of the most stubborn persons in the zodiac. It is very difficult to make him change his mind; to threaten him with any kind of punishment makes him even more stubborn. The Taurus child can become very shy or rigid as an adult if he is pushed constantly by his parents to do things he does not want to do. The best way to treat him is with love. A kiss, an embrace and a lovely smile can work best to make him less obstinate. Colours and sounds also affect his emotions. Vivid colours like red, orange, etc. disturb him, while soft colours like light rose and blue, make him feel better. The effect is similar with sounds. Taurus Baby is very sensitive even as a baby. He will do things only if they are reasonable to him. He needs to know only the truth, without a lot of complex explanations. Parents must talk to him calmly and logically.
He has an instinctive affinity for music and the arts. It is a great idea to teach him to sing or play an instrument. He may love drawing, painting, or creating things in clay. He is very creative, and may be the best worker in his class at school. He is very obedient but his mind is usually slow. He needs time to do things. He has good memory and he does not forget what he has seen or was taught. He does not lose his toys, or personal belongings. He is a bit fearful; he does not like darkness, or ghost stories. He has a romantic imagination. If he grows up in a peaceful home, with love and without pressure on him, he will be strong, confident and very affectionate with his parents and family.
♉ Taurus Weakness Keywords ...
♉ Taurus - holiday survival guide. What to avoid...
- Getting into situations where you have little control over where you go, what you do and who you mix with.
- Having to be anywhere too early in the morning - you know you’re best left to enjoy your sleep then deliver once you’re fully awake.
- Spending too much time with anyone who constantly nags you.
- Partners who’ll flirt with everyone and leave you alone all night - being the dedicated partner you are, you won’t appreciate a flighty fairy (male or female) as a date.
- Anything in your immediate vicinity that looks tacky or uncultured.

♉ What Taurus needs to survive...
- Beautiful, comfortable clothes to dazzle in.
- Outdoor or country events where you can enjoy the fresh air - your earthy sign appreciates nature.
- Lots of money - cash is very comforting...
- An open mind so you can drop some of your set ways and adapt to other festive season traditions and ways that might prove just as enjoyable.
- A great all-over body massage - you love being touched and it relaxes you tremendously.

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