♉ Taurus – Aries Compatibility
An Aries is always in a hurry and has to do everything right now. On the other hand, a Taurean takes his own sweet time to fully understand a situation, form a definite opinion and then, take a particular course of action. The Aries individual is prone to “fall” every now and then, and his Taurus counterpart is bound to react with “I told you so” attitude. This can create some problems as far as the love compatibility between both the zodiacs is concerned. Each one of the duo has to respect the viewpoint of the other.
If this balance is achieved, both the sun signs can beautifully complement each other. Taurus can give stability and dedication to the impulsiveness of an Aries and Aries can help in bringing some more excitement in the life of a somber Taurus. However, an Aries individual may sometimes become annoyed with the seriousness of a Taurean. The relationship may face a little time problem too. Aries likes to get things done yesterday, while Taurus always plans for the future. If they manage to understand each other’s temperament this relationship can go places.
Aries Man and Taurus Woman
Astrologically speaking, the match between an Aries man and Taurus woman was never made in heaven. The initial affection may soon lead to nagging and fighting. The reason for this is that he doesn’t take life too seriously and she is too practical for his reckless behavior. She may like to spend some time with him alone, in the comfort of their house, which may make him feel tied down. Though the passion of an Aries man may interest a Taurus woman initially, she may ultimately get irritated by his ego and too much boldness.
Aries Woman and Taurus Man
A Taurus man loves his home and for him, romance is getting cozy by the hearth. On the other hand, an Aries woman wants to go out every now and then, doing new things and indulging in new activities. There may also be a clash on the money front. He doesn’t like spending money on unnecessary things, while she is extravagant beyond limits. As long as the Taurean man learns to not let his seriousness put down the free spirit of an Aries woman, this relationship does havechances of succeeding.
♉ Taurus – Taurus Compatibility

People born under the zodiac sign of Taurus display the qualities of consistency, dependability and commitment. They are extremely dedicated individuals, who love nature and its beauty. Serene locales, surrounded by the calm beauty of nature, make up their idea of a perfect date. In the relationship between two Taureans, the chances of compatibility are pretty high. This is because they share some basic personality traits, which makes it easier for them to understand as well as appreciate each other.
However, the mutual traits of stubbornness and inflexibility may create some problems in this love match. Both of them are prone to stick to their individual opinions, even at the cost of domestic harmony. However, if they learn to look at each other's point of view in a more appreciative manner, this small hurdle can easily be crossed. Since both of them tend to be quite stable and reluctant to indulge in much adventure, the relationship may turn monotonous.
In the monetary area, there will be no problems as both of them will be quite cautious. Even though the excitement level in this zodiac match is low, it will be duly compensated by the warmth and comfort that they share. Theirs will one of those fairytale stories where there is always love and affection. There may be occasional bouts of jealousy and possessiveness, but since the Bull is extremely loyal, they will pass over soon.
However, both of them will have to control their stubbornness and try to bend a little every now and then. If they manage to overcome their rigidity, the match between two Taurus individuals will turn out to be one of the most compatible. Each one of them will be there when the other needs him/her. Their relationship will be full of romance, love, care, concern and loyalty. They just have to remember their flaws and work on them sincerely.
♉ Taurus – Gemini Compatibility

Taurus individuals move ahead in life, with a steady, measured pace. They are never in a hurry to reach anywhere and have a great degree of stability. These Taurean traits go completely opposite the personality of a Gemini, who is extremely restless and does not seem to be able of sitting or standing at a place for too long. At the same time, a Gemini is not capable of consistency. Infact, discrepancy and recklessness are like his second nature. This may create a lot of problems between the two signs, especially when they are in a relationship.
On the positive side, Taurus will feel attracted to the witty nature, intelligence and mental aptitude of Gemini. The latter, on the other hand, will respect the strength and resolve of the Bull. At the same time, the Bull may become fed up with the inability of the Gemini to, first, make a commitment and, then, stick to it. This may lead to compatibility problems in this love match. The restlessness of the latter will also go against the calmness of the former.
While a Taurus will take his decision alone, Gemini will always need to talk to someone, before reaching on a conclusion. Gemini is a free bird and does not like to be tied and this is exactly what the Bull will try to do. The jealousy and possessiveness of a Taurean will be resented by a Gemini. If they both manage to balance out the differences, this can be a good match. Gemini will teach Taurus the meaning of letting go, while the Bull will teach him some consistency.
Taurus Man and Gemini Woman
Gemini woman will almost instantly be drawn to a Taurus man. However, the long term stability of this relationship is open to question. As far as the good part is concerned, the Bull will be fascinated by her never-ending energy, outgoing personality and self-confidence. But, as they move towards settling down, he will want her to show a more rational, and less wild, behavior. His possessiveness may throttle her vivacious nature. If they do manage to sort out the differences, this will be an excellent match, with her energy providing the much-needed spark to his steady life and his steadiness toning down her unpredictability.
Taurus Woman and Gemini Man
The match between a Taurus woman and a Gemini man was not made in heaven. His hyperactivity, impatience and recklessness will not go down well with her need for constancy. At the same time, the flirtatious nature of a Gemini man may compel her to be jealous and possessive in the extreme. He may find her too predictable and devoid of any sense of adventure. This isn't exactly a sign for a lovely, romantic liaison. Beyond the first date, there are little chances of success, unless and until both of them make great adjustments.
♉ Taurus – Cancer Compatibility :

Taurus and Cancer zodiac signs have many similar personality traits, which can great enhance the compatibility in their relationship. Both of them are sensitive individuals, who enjoy simple things in life and love to spend some cozy moments with each other in a calm and composed ambiance. The friendly nature, caring attitude and compassion of the Bull and the Crab coincide with each other. None of them prefers to run in the race of life, rather they want their own cozy nest where they can escape from the hubbub of others.
The practicality and gentleness of the Bull will be appreciated by the Crab and Taurus will deeply respect the latter's attachment to his family. Cancer will feel secure with the Bull and he, in turn, will bask in the care and concern that the Crab wills shower upon him. Apart from some minor differences, this love match will bring out the best in both the signs. The possessiveness Taurean will find the perfect mate in the Crab who always wants to be looked after and protected. Neither of them will venture anywhere alone, lest he loses the other.
Taurus Man and Cancer Woman
Taurus man and Cancer woman are one those few people who were meant to be together. Her imagination will always interest him and he, in turn, will find newer ways of romancing her. Both the individuals are very emotional and will fulfill each other's needs in this aspect. He wants a warm, cuddly home and she will always be willing to provide him that. On the other hand, his protective attitude will always give her the security she most desperately needs. The Bull is as devoted as the Crab and except for a few hiccups, the sailing will be smooth.
Taurus Woman and Cancer Man
The relationship between a Taurus woman and a Cancer man will, more often than not, lead to lasting love. Her tenderness, softness and compassion will keep his mood swings away for a long time. He will appreciate the comfort and warmth she provides and will repay this with his loyalty. There will be no dearth of romance between the two and they will always stand by each other. Simplicity is the keyword for both the signs and they love to be around family members and a few close friends. In brief, one of the few excellent matches!
♉ Taurus – Leo Compatibility

The Taurean quality of stubbornness is also a part of the characteristics profile of a Leo. Both of them have a strong determination and stick to a decision once they have made it. This zodiac match will, most probably, show signs of permanence, firmness and devotion. However, their different personal dispositions and incompatible tastes may lead to some problems. The Lion is a people’s person, who loves an audience and its attention. On the other hand, the Bull is a bit reserved and prefers to be only with the few people he is close to. Even the extravagant ways of the former may not go down well with the latter.
Inspite of these differences, which may lead to extreme arguments at times, the commitment between the two, will hardly falter. But, they will have to remember not to take each other granted and try to compromise by turns. The stubbornness will have to be subdued in both of them; otherwise the problems may become too huge. The Lion will bask in the attention showered by the Bull and will in turn charm him with his charisma. Taurus will also let the Lion rule the relationship as well as him to quite an extent, thus boosting his vulnerable ego. Both of them show great compatibility in the area of passion and romance too.
Taurus Man and Leo Woman
Both the signs are extremely passionate in love and this is one of the strong points of this relationship. Now, come the troublesome parts. One of the major issues will be money, which he likes to use cautiously and she loves to splurge. It may take quite a lot of efforts on the part of both the individuals, but this match can definitely workout. She will have to get used to his stubborn and bossy attitude, while he will have to let her handle the reins at times. He will also have to control his homebody attitude and take her out every now and then and she will have to show patience. As far as devotion and loyalty are concerned, both are equally good.
Taurus Woman and Leo Man
The zodiac match between a Taurus woman and a Leo man has good chances of succeeding in the long run, if both of them are ready to compromise and be a little flexible. She will have to stroke his ego on a regular basis and let him have his way. At the same time, he will have to learn to respect her opinion too. She will also have to control her anger, since the Lion will, more often then not, be the center of attention. But then, he will shower her with loyalty, devotion, passion and romance. Not a bad match, if both of them agree to disagree.
♉ Taurus – Virgo Compatibility

Taurus and Virgo zodiac signs have a number of common traits, which make them compatible to quite an extent. Both of them are quite practical in their approach towards life. A love match between these people will show great harmony and accord. Neither of them believes in extravagance and recklessness and inconsistency is something they stay away from. There will be no dearth of devotion, dedication and loyalty in this relationship. Taurus as well as Virgo live in the present and know how to cooperate with one another.The Bull will charm Virgo with his calm, nurturing and caring attitude and will provide him with more emotional stability. However, at times, Virgo may feel a little smothered by the possessive attitude of the Bull. They need to spend some time in understanding each other and if they manage to work on this front, the relationship has all the chances of a smooth sailing. Both of them love their home and are not much interested in going out. Only a little adjustment and flexibility can make this love match one of the best.
Taurus Man and Virgo Woman
Taurus man and Virgo woman have great chances of getting on well with each other. His passion is most likely to ignite the fire that she is always trying to control. The Bull will bring out the best in a Virgo gal and she will be attracted by his deep emotions. He is very passionate about and some of this passion will rub off on her too. Neither will ever feel jealous in the relationship as both the individuals are way too dedicated and loyal in life. However, she will have to control her criticizing nature a bit and let him move at his pace.
Taurus Woman and Virgo Man
Both the individuals have a yearning for a relationship that is full of security and commitments and this is what will draw them towards each other. She will make him see his own passionate side, which he had kept under control probably since the time he was born. He will also learn the subtleties of romance and expression of love. He will be greatly appreciative her organized nature and her ability of taking life as it comes, without cribbing about it much. Her loyalty and devotion will be matched by his dedication and commitment.
♉ Taurus – Libra Compatibility

A Taurus as well as a Libra tries to stay as far away from conflicts as possible. They want a life that is full of peace and harmony and devoid of any unnecessary discords. The relationship between these two zodiac signs will have qualities of amiability, gentleness and compassion. That does not mean that there are no bumps in the way of this love match. The outgoing, gregarious nature of a Libra is entirely opposite to that of the Bull, who loves to spend time at home, surrounded by a few close people.
The stubbornness and inflexibility of a Taurus is bound to clash with the indecisiveness of the former. It is not very difficult to avoid the hiccups bothering the compatibility between the two. Just a little adjustment on both sides and this relationship will turn into a pleasant one. A diplomatic Libra can easily manipulate a headstrong Bull, with a little love, a little persuasion and some convincing logic. Both the individuals love to indulge in luxuries and are very romantic. They just need to build up on their strong points.
Taurus Man and Libra Woman
There will definitely be an initial attraction between a Taurus and a Libra man. But, the long term success of this relationship cannot be guaranteed. The sensitive side of a Taurus man will always interest her and she will feel drawn towards his passion. On the negative side, she loves to go out, make new friends and spend time in company. On the other hand, he wants the comfort of his home and avoids the outside world as much as possible. She will also find it difficult to accept his too-much possessiveness and jealousy. She will always pine for freedom and he, for security.
Taurus Woman and Libra Man
In the initial stages of the relationship, the couple may not encounter any problems. However, with time, the differences may start to crop up. Both the individuals are highly romantic and the mutual passion they share is one of the strong points of this match. A Libra man is not the one to give commitment too soon and this may make the Taurus woman insecure. She will have to be very patient and extremely convincing, but not clingy, to tie him down. He will love her strong determination and she will feel impressed by his convincing. Not a bad match, if both of them agree to compromise a little.
♉ Taurus - Scorpio Compatibility

There are absolute chances of a strong magnetic attraction between the two zodiac signs of Taurus and Scorpio. At the intellectual level, however, both the individuals are less likely to find a common platform. In case they do, then you can be sure this will be one of the best love matches of the zodiac, in terms of compatibility. The Bull as well as the Scorpio is very possessive and the latter is, infact, is more prone to jealousy. Scorpio will demand much more emotional attachment and intimacy than the Bull and this may lead to some problems.
Another common trait that may lead to tussles is their stubbornness and both need to compromise once in a while. Since Taurus and Scorpio find it difficult to express themselves fully, their vent up emotions may come out in the form of frustration. They need to learn how to open up, atleast, in front of each other. Though there may be suspicion on both the sides, there will never be any real problem. This is because both of them are extremely devoted as well as loyal. As long as they manage to give each other space, this relationship can definitely work.
Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman
Taurus man and Scorpio woman need to work real hard to make this love match turn into a long-lasting relationship. Since they have many similar negative traits, the long-term compatibility is still open to question. He is as stubborn as she is and this will make it difficult for either of the two to see the other person's viewpoint. Innocent flirtation, or even casual glances at a member of the opposite sex, is likely to ignite fireworks as both are extremely possessive and jealous. Power struggle may further weaken this relationship.
Taurus Woman and Scorpio Man
If a Taurus woman is thinking of getting involved with a Scorpio man, she better ready herself to bend down a little at regular intervals. Strong headedness on part of both the partners will not take this relationship anywhere. Then, his habit of keeping certain things and feelings to himself is likely to make her suspicion meter running. On top of that, he will never ever bother to tell her about the same, even after knowing the consequences. If this match is to work, both of them will have to learn to respect each other and agree to disagree.
♉ Taurus - Sagittarius Compatibility

Taurus and Sagittarius share some common qualities and some completely contrasting personality traits
. The Archer loves to go out, party, travel and socialize with new people. The bull is a complete homebody, who loves to sit by the fireplace, reading a novel. Sagittarius will become bored with the too predictable and totally inflexible nature of the Bull. He, on the other hand, will become disturbed by the frequently changing and too much adventure-seeking personality of the Archer.
They will have to appreciate each other's tastes, trying to acquire some of them and not interfering with the rest. Taurus will have to learn to give Sagittarius some space and the latter will have to try to control his fidgety and carefree nature somewhat. The recklessness of the Archer, if balanced by the practicality and wisdom of the Bull, can really make this relationship work. This zodiac match can work pretty easily if both of them try to complement, rather than try to change each other.
Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman
Taurus man needs to feel as the one in-charge of the relationship. He likes to make all the decisions and he wants the female to follow almost all the suggestions he makes. Now, this is something a Sagittarius woman will find very difficult to cope up with. She needs freedom and these type of boundations are likely to make her run miles away from the Bull. His rigidity and her vacillation are bound to clash every now and then too. Though the compatibility of this love match is very difficult, it is not totally impossible.
Taurus Woman and Sagittarius Man
The adventurous, enthusiastic and outgoing nature of a Sagittarius man is most likely to attract a Taurean female. This is something which goes totally against her reserved nature and we know that opposites attract. However, the contrast between his flirtatious nature and her need for security is not at all likely to lead to this attraction. He will want to go out all the time; she would like to stay home, atleast sometimes. Good for short-time fling, but long-term stability of this match does not have very good chances of success.
♉ Taurus Capricorn Compatibility

Taurus as well as Capricorn believes in a practical approach towards life. Both of them see the life as it is and live in the real world. As far as the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life are concerned, they show great compatibility. Since they are so seriously focused towards all the aspects of life, they may fail to enjoy everyday as it comes. The love match between these two zodiac signs will be based on mutual reliability, trust and consistency. On the monetary front also, there will be no incongruity as neither of the two is prone to extravagance.
The firmness, ambitions and calmness of the Goat will attract the Bull, who will attract the former with his strong determination, dependability and strong family ties. Taurus will always support a Capricorn in realizing his dreams and will always be there to pat him on the back, when he attains them. The bull will never ever feel insecure in the company of the Goat and same holds true for the latter. However, both of them have to learn the technique of enjoying themselves or monotony may creep up in this, otherwise perfect, zodiac match.
Taurus Man and Capricorn Woman
The relationship of a Taurus man and a Capricorn woman will, more often than not, lead to lifelong happiness. Both of them will always be there for each other. He is the one she can easily confide in and finds comfortable talking to. His intense passion and romantic nature will sweep her off her feet. She will give him security and will always be there when he comes home from work, all tired and exhausted. They share mutual love and understanding. One thing is for sure, when the Bull gets together with the Goat, no dream remains unfulfilled.
Taurus Woman and Capricorn Man
Taurus woman can find the perfect soul mate in the Capricorn man. They share most of the personality traits and those that are inconsistent are not at all important. Her love, trust and loyalty will make him relax a bit and show his real self. At the same time, she knows how to tickle those hidden funny bones of his. In return, he will make her feel as the most important part of his life. She will never ever feel lonely with him, as his shoulder will always be there to lean upon. Apart from some minor differences, this love match is just the best!
♉ Taurus - Aquarius Compatibility

A Taurus individual believes in practicality and simplicity. His approach towards life is down-to-earth, conventional and sensible. On the other extreme, we have Aquarius, who is always going against the norms and believes in taking a contemporary and progressive approach. The Bull is against change, he likes things just as they are. The Water Bearer prefers to change with the changing times and be in tune with the world around him. Though this may not lead to major issues, the love match may encounter some unnecessary compatibility problems.
The Taurean stubbornness combines with the Aquarian rigidity may lead to some major problems. The Bull may also find it difficult adjusting to the Water Bearer's new and unusual ideas. There is no dearth of determination in both of them and once they set their mind to something, it is no longer a dream. But, there may be problems when the Aquarian becomes unpredictable or wants to be left alone. The possessiveness and jealousy of the Bull may be too much for him to handle. If they manage to sort out the differences, this relationship can turn out to be very strong.
Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman
The love match between a Taurus man and an Aquarian woman does not have too much chances of compatibility. At the initial stages of the relationship, it may feel as if they have much in common. However, as they move ahead in life, they may start coming across differences. His conventional ideas will clash with her radical ways and her gregarious nature may make him feel jealous. Both of them have a strong determination and a battle of wills is very common in such a match. They will have to learn to bend by turns and let the other partner take the lead.
Taurus Woman and Aquarius Man
Taurus woman has her own ideas about life, which she will not change for anyone else. Aquarius man prefers to stick to his philosophies and habits. At the same time, this relationship has some positive sides too. He can teach her how to toss around the serious aspects of life once in a while and indulge in fun. He can excite her, interest her and make her laugh. She, on the other hand, can bring some stability to his wild and reckless nature. As long as they can manage to subdue their stubborn will in favor of one other, this relationship has chances of succeeding.
♉ Taurus - Pisces Compatibility

A Taurus as well as a Pisces individual has an understanding attitude, laid-back personality and amiable disposition. They love to maintain harmony in their relationships. The Bull will fall in love with tenderness, benevolence, and compassion of the Fish. On the other hand, a Piscean will be attracted by the stability, strength and reliability of the former. Now, we will talk about the differences affecting the compatibility of this love match. A Taurean individual believes in living a simple life, with few interests, simple approach and practical manner.
A Piscean lives in a dreamy world and his likes and dislikes are very vague. He has no clear-cut preferences, unlike the Bull. He is less balanced and tends to be emotional and instinctive. However, the practicality of the Bull can very well complement the wistfulness of the Fish. The latter will revel under the passion and constant attention of the former. Taurus will also feel comfortable with the sensitivity and warmth of the Pisces. Both of them will beautifully complement each other and their relationship will be like wine, getting better with time.
Taurus Man and Pisces Woman
The zodiac match of Taurus man and Pisces woman is very likely to result in a long-term association. They share a mutual passion and are zealous in almost each and every aspect of life. Both are born-romantics and they will never be any dearth of expression on either side. Her volatility and eccentricity will get balanced by his calmness and placidity. He will also make her feel secure and loved in the relationship and she will admire him for his courage and depth. He will have to be a little more sensitive, or he may end up hurting her vulnerable feelings.
Taurus Woman and Pisces Man
The dreaminess of a Piscean man will be beautifully complemented by the level-headedness and down-to-earth attitude of a Taurean woman. Her devotion and loyalty will remove any insecurity he might feel. He, in turn, will make her look at life in a way that departs from the usual. He will teach her to dream and she will then push him to make those dreams come true. He will pamper her and will attract her with his charm and intellectual depth. As long as they manage to sort out their differences, this match will work perfectly!
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