♉ Translate Blog:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

♉ Enigmas for "strong" Taurean Brains...

9. Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.


Taurus - Zodiac Worldwide Fan Club said...

It states, "There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word?" The third word of that phrase is of course "language."

Anonymous said...

I don't understand... The word "language" isn't the third word in the sentence.
Also, which is the other word ending in -gry?

Anonymous said...

"There are only three words in the English language."

"Language" is the 9th word in that phrase. Isn't it? :P

Taurus - Zodiac Worldwide Fan Club said...

That Enigmas was publiced by other person. Here was just re-publiced. So, it's up to you what is the correct answer..

The answer that was given was from this person, so maybe yes you will have right..

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting word on how not to be,but igry is not meaninful manner,what is really the right of a man,or point of opinion they don' want to be plentiful but miserables.On other comment more found on igry and of those not to eager,but igry didn't get a loaf for a whole toad of theyre coins to the cortisanigry or be igry.