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Saturday, June 30, 2012

July 2012 Taurus horoscope prediction:

If something or someone is making you feel unhappy then it may be time for you to make some changes, however drastic. While the planets are having a less than average affect on Taurus during July 2012, you have the power to take full charge of your destiny. Possibly the best point to move your life along is the point on July 15th when The Moon leaves Taurus for Gemini. This is all about what you want and it is your decision to make. You only get one chance in life, do what is right by you and no one else.

If you are constantly disagreeing with a colleague, take time out away from the stress, once you have both calmed down then you will be able to talk things over and reach a decision that will suit you both.

It is a month to consolidate your finances rather than making any extravagant purchases. Just see yourself through to the end of July 2012 and you will find things will ease over the next few months.

It may be pointless for you to travel afar this month. Concentrate instead in what is going on at home. There are certain people you need to consider before you think about any holidays.

You can soothe over hurt feelings by just communicating more openly. Burying your head in the sand and pretending that all is ok will only make things worse. Open up your mind as well as your heart.


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