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Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction:

September 2013 is a time when Taurus comes under pressure from many different directions as the planetary opposition in Scorpio builds up on you. At least the month begins relatively quietly with the serine presence of an isolated and becalmed Saturn leaves you feeling relaxed and confident in your own abilities and your capacity to get along with people, even if your motivation to make forward progress is lower than you would care to admit even to yourself.
Things change starting on September 10th 2013. The Moon comes in to conjunction with Saturn and your serenity will be completely perturbed. Your comfort zone is a thing of the past as the very next day Venus enters Scorpio and opposition with Taurus and you will have to wake up and take notice. You have to work hard to maintain a good balance between keeping people happy in various relationships in the home and the workplace, especially with members of the opposite sex. Your love life will hit either a rock or a hard place, no way to predict which, and you are bound to struggle to keep the peace with your lover.
The strange thing is, despite how things feel as you flail about trying to work out what has hit you, this is the best thing that has happened to Taurus for some time. You have relaxed yourself in to a rut and changes to your routine are exactly what you need to grow and develop. You will never get a promotion in work if you never make an effort to try new things, and if you never seek out new places and new destinations to explore, you will never learn anything new.
On September 29th, just when you think you can cope with whatever the stars and planets can throw at you, Mercury enters Scorpio and opposition with Taurus. You will flip from happiness to sadness, positive to negative as Mercury approaches a Saturn conjunction. The thing is though, this is just life in teacup. Intense, yes, but nothing more than other signs are facing at the same time this month.


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