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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Taurus Horoscope: December 2013

Accentuate the Positive

An uplifting Sagittarius New Moon kicks off the month on December 2, inspiring you to set your goals higher while giving you the confidence you need to reach them. However, you won't be able to get away with false bravado because this New Moon occurs in your 8th House of Deep Sharing, sending you on an intense journey of self-discovery.
Your sense of fairness wins out when assertive Mars enters objective Libra and your 6th House of Work on December 7. Being able to recognize your personal needs allows you to set them aside in order to do your job well. Fortunately, opportunistic Jupiter's coordinated trine to ambitious Saturn on December 12 strengthens your resolve to make a realistic plan and execute it efficiently.
You may spend unwisely on indulgent gifts and holiday celebrations thanks to the scattered Gemini Full Moon on December 17 lighting up your 2nd House of Money. You desire more than you currently have, but are cautious about exceeding reasonable limits with resourceful Venus in practical Capricorn camped out in your 9th House of Faraway Places. Although there's a lot of planetary activity throughout the month, you may feel sluggish or as if it's difficult to achieve satisfaction because your ruling planet, Venus, slows down to begin her 41-day retrograde cycle on December 21.
This is also the Winter Solstice, another sign that it's time to retreat and journey inward. However, a shocking Mars-Uranus opposition on December 25 and a fierce Mars-Pluto square on December 30 indicate that you will end this year with a thrilling roller-coaster ride rather than a long and dreamy winter's sleep.
Keep in Mind this Month
Psychological and spiritual transformation is your ultimate key to happiness. Instead of trying to control the external flow of events, focus on improving your inner game.

Key Dates for Taurus

December 10-12: In it for the Long Haul
You're attracted to the idea of something new and different on December 10, when alluring Venus forms a magical quintile to unorthodox Uranus. Her presence in your 9th House of Journeys makes it easier to stretch your limits by traveling to an exotic destination. Meanwhile, talkative Mercury in overconfident Sagittarius trines Uranus, helping you to rationalize your crazy idea. A long-lasting Jupiter-Saturn trine on December 12 supplies you the street smarts that could turn your vision into an obtainable goal. Working with a partner or a friend is a win-win situation, with Jupiter and Saturn successfully collaborating on your behalf. A project that began around July 17, at the previous Jupiter-Saturn trine, may be right back on your plate now. Keep in mind that your current work might not reach fruition until the third and final occurrence of this aspect on May 24, 2014.
December 21: Spread Your Wings
Widening your horizons mentally or physically is in your immediate future, so get your passport updated or enroll in that course you've been considering when the Sun enters ambitious Capricorn and your 9th House of Travel and Education. Your current wanderlust grows palpable as Venus turns retrograde today to extend her visit in your adventurous 9th house until March 5, 2014.


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