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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Taurus Horoscope: April 2016

You might crave extra privacy this month, both personally and when it comes to your love life. Be sure to honor the need you have to recharge your spiritual batteries. This will be an ideal month to take up a hobby that facilitates this such as meditation or yoga classes.

Another possibility is that you'll want to begin a course of therapy with a trusted counselor to sort out a few short circuits running through your psyche. If you're in a relationship, there might be a nagging secret that runs through it and if so, this month it might begin to really trouble you.
Perhaps your lover is going through something that you're forced to keep quiet about while he or she resolves it. This might be something quite serious such as a drug or alcohol problem, but it might also be connected to an emotional situation. Remember that you can only offer support for someone you love. You can't be expected to come to the rescue of your mate and solve all of his or her problems. Even if a part of you wants to do this.
Mars turns retrograde in your 8th House of Intimacy on April 17. This is when things get real interesting. You might have to work through some frustrating situation that involves a joint financial matter.
A Full Moon in your relationship sector on April 22 will put an emotional highlight on your partnership. It's an all-or-nothing kind of energy. Then Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on April 28 until May 22 -- choose your words carefully!

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