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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Taurus Horoscope: June 2016

Finances should improve nicely after June 4. In fact, until June 17, you'll be on a winning streak when it comes to your earning power. If you're hoping to secure a raise, this will be the stretch of time to ask. Or, if you're thinking about marketing one of your talents in a new business venture, you might want to move forward with your plans. Another possibility is that you are a business owner. If so, it might be time to raise your rates.
Money will continue to be a central theme all month long, but by June 20, it appears that your focus will move to shared resources or an investment. You'll have a good idea about what to do concerning at least one decision.
A 5-star day for you happens on June 26, when Jupiter and Pluto are at a perfect angle to each other. You might hear incredibly positive news about a publishing, broadcasting, or advertising opportunity that showcases your creativity in the most remarkable way.
The best news, however, will happen on June 29 when Mars turns direct. He has been sleeping in your partnership sector, making you feel as if you and a partner (business or personal) can't make the right move to achieve a shared goal. Now, nothing will stop you.

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