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Friday, February 1, 2013

February 2013 Taurus horoscope prediction:

This is not the time to live with bitter regret and dwell on disappointments, with the balance of Taurus with Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Aries during February 2013, but to learn from the past and move on. Everything happens for a reason, be happy for the person that you are and then you will be able to make others happy.

You feel as though you have been treated unfairly, it could even be time of making a new career change this month. Do what you think is best for yourself and don't let setbacks deter you from moving forward. The positive alignments of Jupiter and Uranus make February 2013 an ideal time for Taurus to learn new skills.

You have a good eye for good investments, though you have made one or two mistakes in your past, you have learned from them. This month you will reap what you have sown, sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Keep an open mind when travelling. You can learn a lot from your surroundings, everyone and everything is different and has its own purpose. This month you will have plenty of opportunities to find out where your heart truly belongs.

Few people will agree with your plans and not like what you have to offer, this is not the time to force your opinion but to hold back. Follow your own dreams and allow others to have theirs, not everyone beats to the same drum as you.

February 2013 Taurus Summary:
2013 is something of an intellectual journey for Taurus. It is up to you to make the most of things and turn every opportunity, meeting new people, visiting new places or new experiences as further chances to study. The entire learning journey is overlooked by Saturn at opposition in Scorpio and the balance this now provides Taurus with Jupiter in Gemini and Uranus in Aries.
As with any month, it is not always plain sailing, as the faster movement of the inner planets and The Moon combine to offset the equilibrium. February 9th 2013 is a case in point as The Moon comes in to conjunction with Venus in Aquarius. Usually this combination would not give Taurus too much concern, but take in to account this transit is squared against Saturn in Scorpio and trined with Jupiter in Gemini, and Taurus could be completely off the rails. Move forward just two days to February 11th and now The Moon in conjunction with both Mercury and Mars is squared this time with Jupiter and trined with Saturn. Expect a roller coaster ride with many people you usually get along with just fine. Other people will be feeling these effects even stronger that Taurus over these days, but that's just not our fault. The focus of many people around will have negative thoughts for Taurus, and the best thing to do is not get in to any sort of a discussion where you feel questions and accusations are pointed at you.
When The Moon completes the opposite cycle over February 24th to 26th there will no longer be the multiplying effects from the inner planets to worry about and as a Taurus you might just welcome the challenge these days provide you.
Taurus in 2013: Study, learn, expand.


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